Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Butterfly farm in Penang--Photo by Bertrand Linet. And if I don't exercise some discipline (a rare commodity) I'll spend the whole day perusing his photo stream on Flickr (though there could be worse ways to spend a day)

weaver bird
weaver bird
Paradise Place
Paradise Place
Butterfly farm in Penang--Photo by Bertrand Linet. And if I don't exercise some discipline (a rare commodity) I'll spend the whole day perusing his photo stream on Flickr (though there could be worse ways to spend a day)
Butterfly farm in Penang--Photo by Bertrand Linet.  And if I don't exercise some discipline (a rare commodity) I'll spend the whole day perusing his photo stream on Flickr (though there could be worse ways to spend a day)

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